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REMIC | Real Estate Management In Corporations

Anna Sharafieva

Head of the Asset Complex Administration, State Corporation Rosatom

Was born on January 12, 1978 in the Republic of Tatarstan.


Graduated from Kazan State University, majoring in “Jurisprudence”.

Completed professional retraining at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Vyatka State University” on the President’s program of management training – “Management”

Professional experience.


Lawyer of Arbitration Practice LLC “Law Firm PRIS”


Director of legal support of corporate governance, Head of Legal Department, Legal Counsel JSC “Kirovenergo”


Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs and Corporate Governance JSC “Territorial Generating Company N 5”


Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs and Human Resources JSC “Territorial Generating Company N 8”


Head of the corporate practice at the law firm LLC “MATIK. Yakovlev and Partners”

2011- to present

Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the administration and the property complex Department “State Corporation “Rosatom”

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