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REMIC | Real Estate Management In Corporations

Andrey Berestyansky

Head of Rosreestr’s Real Estate Asset Valuation Directorate

Andrey Berestyansky has been engaged in the sphere of state cadastral valuation since 2007.

He has been holding management positions at Rosreestr since 2010. Currently Andrey Berestyansky holds the office of the Head of Rosreestr’s Real Estate Asset Valuation Directorate. He has been involved in organization and implementation of large-scale real estate asset valuation.

To secure transparency of the state cadastral valuation process via availability of public access to valuation results and source data, used in the process, methods to determine cadastral value of each real estate asset, Andrey Berestyansky developed a concept for maintaining the database of state cadastral valuation data for real estate assets.

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