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REMIC | Real Estate Management In Corporations

Ivan Veselov

Head of Group/Goltsblat BLP, Dispute Resolution

Ivan Veselov specialises in representing clients in the following types of court cases:

  • Property rights protection disputes
  • Corporate disputes (siphoning of assets, “seizure” of control, etc.),
  • Disputes arising out of contractual obligations (lease, leasing, contractor work, sale and purchase, insurance) and invalidation of contracts,
  • Disputes over supporting developers’ interests (including disputes with state authorities),
  • Litigation support in bankruptcy proceedings.

Ivan Veselov has over 15 years’ experience in representing Russian and foreign clients in state arbitration courts of all ten arbitration districts and in courts of general jurisdiction. He successfully applies both proven methods and his own innovative methods of highly effective legal representation. Given the constantly changing legislation and court approaches, as the head of a team of strong lawyers, Ivan is willing to develop and implement original and proactive strategies for precisely achieving the clients’ objectives.

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